Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Italian Soup and Hand-dipped Strawberries

If you saw my Valentine post, you will remember that I asked my dear friend for her Sweet Italian Sausage Soup with Cheese Tortellini recipe. Today she sent it to me to share with all of us and it certainly sounds yummy. Also, she included a pic of her hand-dipped chocolate strawberries that she whipped up. They are lovely! She didn't send me a pic of the soup, so I borrowed one that looks similar. I notice the recipe in the pic has sliced carrots.

Sweet Italian Sausage soup with Cheese Tortellini
1 pound sweet Italian sausage with basil, casings removed before cooking
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of fresh garlic, chopped fine
5 cups of beef broth ( I use the beef crystals and dissolve in hot water)
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup red wine ( i prefer Sweet Red from the Llano Winery in Lubbock, Texas)
2 cans original stewed tomatoes (I use Del Monte or one can and a jar of tomatoes that I canned)
2 or 3 cut up fresh tomatoes
3/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1 jar spaghetti sauce (I use a good brand with tomato  and garlic)
1 package of cheese tortellini pasta
3 Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

...and now for dessert!

Don't these strawberries look yummy?? Good job, Girlfriend!

A warm tummy and chocolate drizzles,

Monday, February 14, 2011

She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

She walks in beauty, like the night
   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
   Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
   Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
   How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
   But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
   A heart whose love is innocent!


A Valentine Tablescape and a Special Guest!

Today I'll introduce my dear darlin' friend from Lubbock, Texas. We have been friends for twenty years and no matter how far apart we move from each other, it's always the same great fun creativity and honesty when we get together. The icing on the cake (heart-shaped, of course) is that our guys like each other, too. So it always makes for a fabulous and adventurous time together. We always hate to see the other leave.

Susie is going to share with us a little tablescape that she whipped up for the holiday. Visitor, let me introduce you to a treasure of a friend, a Christian, a selfless volunteer, and a loving wife to a great guy. Take it away, Girlfriend!

"My name is Susie M. I'm happily married to a wonderful, funny man who I will refer to as "Candy Man". I'm at the age, where I'm young enough to still get in to trouble, and old enough to not care! Wait! That sounds bad. Let me explain. Candy Man is a pharmacist and we still love to travel, have time with our kids, grand kids and friends but old enough to reach for Ben Gay more than once a week!

Today is Valentine's Day. This has always been a special holiday for me. My dad's birthday was February 15th so mom always made it a two-day holiday. Since pink was her favorite color, our home was a little ready for the 14th and 15th of February all year. Twenty three years ago on Valentines day, Candy Man proposed. Four years ago today, our big red male golden retriever walked up to our house during a snow storm. So you see, this holiday has many sweet memories attached to it.

Yesterday, in celebration of Valentine's Day, we had some "young" friends over for Sweet Italian Stew and I used a mixture of things that I already had to decorate our table. A few other things were added after the picture was taken. The Church and the little house are Clayworks© ceramic pieces by Heather Goldmink.  The Valentine heart, with the cupid on top, belonged to my mother.  The placemats, napkins, and mugs are from Ross.
It's fun to pull together a few things you may already have to create a fun atmosphere just for you or special guests. What fun to see their faces light up!"

Thank you, Susie. It's alway fun to see what you will come up with. Now we want more! The recipe for Sweet Italian Stew. Will you share?

Valentines and chocolates,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Soft Years

You call me outside 
to see the fire you’ve stoked in the chimanea. 
We breathe in the aroma from smoldering embers. 

Your lips are warm 
as the crisp air stings 
around our familiar kiss. 

We touch the other’s flannel sleeve 
soft with age.This is our season. 
We claim it and call it our own.
Cheryl Murphy, 2008 ©

Happy Anniversary, Sol,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Unpancake Pancake

This morning in all the preparation of RB&R, I worked in a little breakfast. I decided to give The Pioneer Woman's pancake recipe a try. These are so light that they are like little clouds. I can't say I even put them in the same category of regular pancake. DH called them the Unpancake Pancake. You should try these little delights!
Easy breezy.

Red Beans 'n Rice Kind of Day

Very little can beat a "snow-falling-piddle-in-the-kitchen-perfect-music-read-a-book" kind of day. Today is the day! This recipe has been planned since DH and I knew the snow was coming. Cajun read beans 'n rice for supper. Mmmm. If I get really industrious, there may be an addition of hush puppies with swamp sauce. Perfection! The RB&R are already in the crock pot and will simmer in all that rich goodness for six hours. In a couple of hours the house should smell glorious. Thought I'd share this recipe with you. If you want it truly cajun-style, you'll have to hunt down the andouille sausage. I found it at Homeland. So here you go, Friends. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Later I'll post a "finished product" pic.

Cajun Red Beans 'n Rice
16 oz. pkg. dry red beans
1 vidalia onion, chopped
1 green or red bell pepper, chopped
2-3 stalks of celery, chopped
2 T fresh or dried parsley, chopped
(or you can forgo the last four ingredients listed above and use Picsweet frozen Seasoning Blend)
2 T minced garlic
3 bayleaves
1-2 T cajun seasoning (I prefer about 1 1/2T)
1 T ham base or add a small smoked ham hock
1 T olive oil or canola oil
2 links (1/2 lb) andouille sausage
1 c long grain white rice
( a little sidenote: I added a teaspoon of hambase to the recipe)

Soak the beans overnight in six cups of water. Drain the beans and place in your crockpot. Cover with six cups of fresh water to the beans. Turn to high setting. In a skillet, heat oil on medium and cook sausage for 15 minutes, turning to brown sausage. Move to a paper towel in order to absorb extra grease. Cut into 1/2" slices. Add to the beans and stir. Add the ham base or a small smoked ham hock. Saute the onion, pepper, celery, and parsley (or the Seasoning Blend) in the sausage drippings until the onion is translucent. Add the garlic just before this mixture is done to avoid burning the garlic. Add to the beans and sausage and stir. Add the bay leaves and the cajun seasoning, stirring. Now, make sure all is covered with water, allowing enough space in the crockpot for more liquid to form during the cooking process. Cook on high for six hours, only lifting lid to stir once at about three hours. (note: I used my medium size crock pot and I didn't have to add extra water. At the beginning it almost filled it, allowing enough space for cooking.) This recipe will get nice and soupy and thicker as it cooks. When this is done, cook your rice, following the package directions.

Now!!...plate up some rice, ladle on a generous amount of RB&R, add some hushpuppies to your plate and maybe even a bit coleslaw!  If your really feeling inspired, whip up a bread pudding with rum sauce. Oh, yes!

Here's to Cajun cuisine and aromas, Mon Amour,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Spring Coat for a Birthday Girl

Tomorrow my eldest is celebrating her 35th birthday . I won't get to see her tomorrow, though, so here's a tidbit of her present that I'm working on. She already knows that it is a spring coat, but little does she know of some of its surprises!  I will post more pics as I progress.  (Happy birthday, Honey!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Soul Ribs

Here is THE best rib recipe I've ever come across! Hope you enjoy. Oh, don't forget your warm towel and finger bowl. You'll need them!

Line the Doughmakers Sheet Cake Pan with heavy foil:

4 lbs. spareribs
1/2 c. water
1c. finely chopped onion
1 c. ketchup (Heinz)
1 c. water
1 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp. Tabasco sauce
1/2 c. vinegar
1/2 c. molasses
2 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. paprika

PREHEAT.....oven to 350 degrees
CUT.........ribs in six portions and place in baking pan. 
ADD.........1/2 cup water, Snap on the lid and bake 1 hour
REMOVE......from oven and drain off liquid and fat
PREPARE.....sauce from remaining ingredients
HEAT........in saucepan and pour over ribs
BAKE........uncovered 1 1/2 hours more, basting frequently

Dig in!

BTW....I only cook these in my very favorite sheet cake pan and it's snap on lid.
You can purchase these here...
Doughmakers large sheet cake pan and lid

New beginning for a lost blog...

Today, as I gaze out my ice encrusted window, I have been thinking how blessed I am, by God, to have a hubby that will go out in frigid temps to make sure a church parking lot is free of ice and snow.  That's him in a nutshell.
Thinking of my two beautiful daughters and one lovely daughter-in-law, whom have grown to be my precious friends. It's so fun to see them grow as women.  My son always brings joy to my heart when I hear his voice. Especially when there is that tone of excitement attached to a goal met.

I have the most fabulous girlfriends any woman could ever have. Some are like sisters to me! Each one so very special! Also, I have those awesome gals in my life that I've known via the PC. Some I've never met and some I've known, but grown the relationship via a little piece here and a little piece there. (Shout out to Lori!!) My friends are so varied in their talents and interests, such as:
...business owners, cake decorators, homemakers, school kitchen manager,
writers, artists, accountants, world traveler, musicians, song writers, university administrators, quilters, microbiologists, school secretary, bowler, addictive shoppers, fine jewelry makers, Walmart employee, chef, columnist, farmer/rancher, travel agent, caregivers of parents, sales reps, florists, musicians, gardener, bringing up grandchildren, lovers of wonderful men and the list goes on......to include lovers of God....and the beautiful thing...almost everyone of them is a dreamer, to some degree. Some more than others! (Don't burn the dream out...it keeps us going!)

Not only do I have my G-Friends but I have my sister, Ali, whom I have never physically met but, hopefully, someday will. She found me and I am so blessed. She is beautiful, talented and a wonderful woman!

This little blog is to enable all of us to keep up with each other and actually journal like some of us have been intending to commit to do....but.... that's another story.

Here's to that icy crunch under your feet, or like some (uh-hum, Jill), sand between your toes,
