Friday, February 4, 2011

New beginning for a lost blog...

Today, as I gaze out my ice encrusted window, I have been thinking how blessed I am, by God, to have a hubby that will go out in frigid temps to make sure a church parking lot is free of ice and snow.  That's him in a nutshell.
Thinking of my two beautiful daughters and one lovely daughter-in-law, whom have grown to be my precious friends. It's so fun to see them grow as women.  My son always brings joy to my heart when I hear his voice. Especially when there is that tone of excitement attached to a goal met.

I have the most fabulous girlfriends any woman could ever have. Some are like sisters to me! Each one so very special! Also, I have those awesome gals in my life that I've known via the PC. Some I've never met and some I've known, but grown the relationship via a little piece here and a little piece there. (Shout out to Lori!!) My friends are so varied in their talents and interests, such as: owners, cake decorators, homemakers, school kitchen manager,
writers, artists, accountants, world traveler, musicians, song writers, university administrators, quilters, microbiologists, school secretary, bowler, addictive shoppers, fine jewelry makers, Walmart employee, chef, columnist, farmer/rancher, travel agent, caregivers of parents, sales reps, florists, musicians, gardener, bringing up grandchildren, lovers of wonderful men and the list goes include lovers of God....and the beautiful thing...almost everyone of them is a dreamer, to some degree. Some more than others! (Don't burn the dream keeps us going!)

Not only do I have my G-Friends but I have my sister, Ali, whom I have never physically met but, hopefully, someday will. She found me and I am so blessed. She is beautiful, talented and a wonderful woman!

This little blog is to enable all of us to keep up with each other and actually journal like some of us have been intending to commit to do....but.... that's another story.

Here's to that icy crunch under your feet, or like some (uh-hum, Jill), sand between your toes,


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