Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine Tablescape and a Special Guest!

Today I'll introduce my dear darlin' friend from Lubbock, Texas. We have been friends for twenty years and no matter how far apart we move from each other, it's always the same great fun creativity and honesty when we get together. The icing on the cake (heart-shaped, of course) is that our guys like each other, too. So it always makes for a fabulous and adventurous time together. We always hate to see the other leave.

Susie is going to share with us a little tablescape that she whipped up for the holiday. Visitor, let me introduce you to a treasure of a friend, a Christian, a selfless volunteer, and a loving wife to a great guy. Take it away, Girlfriend!

"My name is Susie M. I'm happily married to a wonderful, funny man who I will refer to as "Candy Man". I'm at the age, where I'm young enough to still get in to trouble, and old enough to not care! Wait! That sounds bad. Let me explain. Candy Man is a pharmacist and we still love to travel, have time with our kids, grand kids and friends but old enough to reach for Ben Gay more than once a week!

Today is Valentine's Day. This has always been a special holiday for me. My dad's birthday was February 15th so mom always made it a two-day holiday. Since pink was her favorite color, our home was a little ready for the 14th and 15th of February all year. Twenty three years ago on Valentines day, Candy Man proposed. Four years ago today, our big red male golden retriever walked up to our house during a snow storm. So you see, this holiday has many sweet memories attached to it.

Yesterday, in celebration of Valentine's Day, we had some "young" friends over for Sweet Italian Stew and I used a mixture of things that I already had to decorate our table. A few other things were added after the picture was taken. The Church and the little house are Clayworks© ceramic pieces by Heather Goldmink.  The Valentine heart, with the cupid on top, belonged to my mother.  The placemats, napkins, and mugs are from Ross.
It's fun to pull together a few things you may already have to create a fun atmosphere just for you or special guests. What fun to see their faces light up!"

Thank you, Susie. It's alway fun to see what you will come up with. Now we want more! The recipe for Sweet Italian Stew. Will you share?

Valentines and chocolates,

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